UPIE Inside the Bookstore


UPIE can offer you any published material.

UPIE is prepared to offer free bibliographical researches on any subject and to give you an extimate of expenditure before booking any order. For the series and specific editions we can, on your request, book a permanent order with the publisher in order to assure you to receive each single book of the serie chosen by you as soon as it is available.

An important free service offered by UPIE is the DELIVERY FOR EXAMINATION . We can send you a lot of books to take under examination with the right of sending them back.

From the economical point of view we can answer you that: - we never consider in the book's price the publisher's delivery fairs postal charges (expenses), which are up to us


By UPIE you will be sure to receive all the issues of the year. We are in touch with many booksellers on the international second hand market and can thus find and buy for you the missing issue. This service is completely to be charged on our account.

UPIE makes no difference of charge between CEE and EXTRA-CEE magazines for VAT-TVA legislation.

The magazines with publishing delays and those who need particular attention and frequent solicitation arrive directly in our storehouse where they are controlled and looked after in a very professional way and then sent to your address only a few days after their arrival. This service, which our costumers find particulary useful, is completely free of charge.

To renew your subscription year after year UPIE leaves you free to chose the mean you prefer. We can consider the subscription in permanent order year after year until when you do not wish to receive the magazine any more. Thus you will never have to worry about renewing the subscription and when you will decide not to renew it any more you can simply cancel your subscription. Or if you need an extimate of expenditure before booking or receiving your subscriptions, UPIE starting from the month of October is already prepared to give you the prices of all the magazines published in the world.



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